Tuesday, February 21, 2012


YEAR: 1965


TRACK LISTING: Introduction, Lesson 1: The Basic Techniques of Jewish Motherhood, Lesson 2: The Jewish Mother's Guide to Food Distribution - A. Mealtime Strategy, Lesson 2. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Food Distribution - B. Bread With Everything: Between Meal Treats, Lesson 3. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Entertaining - A. How To Tell A Funny Story, Lesson 3. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Entertaining - B. How To Discuss Current Events, Lesson 3. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Entertaining - C. How To Pay A Compliment, Lesson 4. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Relaxation - A. How To Enjoy Yourself At Home And At The Beach, Lesson 4. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Relaxation - B. How To Leave The House For A Social Engagement, Lesson 5. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Education, Lesson 6. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Thrift , Lesson 7. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Sex And Marriage - A. Introduction To Sex , Lesson 7. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Sex And Marriage - B. The Son, Lesson 7. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Sex And Marriage - B. The Son 1) The Early Years, Lesson 7. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Sex And Marriage - C. The Daughter 1) What To Do Before The Date, Lesson 7. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Sex And Marriage - C. The Daughter 2) Dinner With The Boy Friend, Lesson 7. The Jewish Mother's Guide To Sex And Marriage - C. The Daughter 3) The Last Resort, Lesson 8. How To Be A Jewish Grandmother, Glossary of Terms: Final Word

IMPRESSIONS: Oy, so you want I should tell you my impressions of this album? So now they ask me. All this time they don't know I'm alive but now they ask me.

MY FAVOURITE TRACKS: All of 'em. Again, how could anyone miss a minute.

FACT SHEET: HOW TO BE A JEWISH MOTHER is a comedy album based on the book by Dan Greenburg and starring Gertrude Berg as the "Jewish Mother". Berg was pretty much America's Jewish mother having starred on radio and subsequently on television as the matriarch in the sitcom "THE GOLDBERGS".

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